5 exercises in 5 minutes that you can do anywhere - Multisport

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5 exercises in 5 minutes that you can do anywhere

One of the arguments of many people to skip the exercises regularly is the little free time they have. But what will your be reaction if you realize that you can do your perfect workout of 5 exercises for just 5-10 minutes a day, no matter where in the world you are? The best news is that you don’t need any special equipment, extra gear or weights. The only thing you will need is your own body, desire, will, and motivation. Are you excited?

Here are those 5 exercises that you can perform anywhere and anytime.

1. Burpees – A very good exercise that can be used to warm you up before or after your workout.

Stay upright, your legs should be parallel and aligned with your shoulders’ width. Put your palms on the ground, it’s very important that your hands are placed just below your shoulders and spread your weight on all of your fingers (the fingers are pointing forward). Now with a jump backwards without peeling the palms off the floor, push both legs together to the upright position. Keep your belly always tight. Make a push up or just put your breasts to the floor. Lift the body in the reverse order jump and put your legs to a squat position and with your hands on the floor. Finally, jump and clap your hands over your head while standing upright. Always take air before you start performing the exercise and exhale when you return to the initial position, standing upright. Repeat 10 times, take a 20-30 seconds great and then make 2 more series.

2. Squats – The Squat, also known as the Master of Exercise, is a basic exercise in the gym. This is a exercise that develops a lot of muscle groups, if you want to have strong legs and belly, do not miss it. Squats didn’t win the title “Master of Exercise” by accident. The exercise is wonderful in many aspects and we cannot miss out on it.

The most important rule when you work out is to perform the exercises properly. To protect yourself against injuries, and to get the most out of every movement, it’s a good idea to inform yourself beforehand about the proper performance and technique of the exercises.

*We recommend you to perform the exercises without weight at the beginning.

A very important element in the performance of this exercise is the position of your feet. Place your feet shoulder-width (you can open your feet by 45 degrees if you have knee pain). Do not raise your fingers or heels during the exercise, push and spread the weight of your body to your feet. The breathing rule applies to all 5 exercises. Inhale in the starting position, through the nose, and exhale through the nose when you return to the starting position. This is a golden rule that you should not break.

When you go down, let your knees and fingers point in one direction, when standing up, keep your waist straight and tight your abdomen.

Start with 5 series of 10 reps each day. Rest for 15-20 seconds between the series.

3. Jumping Jacks – Stay in the starting position, hands attached to the body and legs open on the shoulder width. Make a jump and spread your legs and arms upright. Jump back and lower your arms and legs to the starting position. This exercise is perfect for a warm-up or for a 5-minute workout. Start with 5 series of 20 reps each day.

4. Plank – You want abs, but  you don’t want to do 300 abdominal presses a day? We have a solution for you – it’s called plank!  This exercise will not only tighten the body, it will also speed up your metabolism and can reduce back pain. It is very important to keep your belly always tight and your back straight (imagine that you have a wooden stick on your waist and there you don’t need to have a gap between your back and the stick)

Stand in a starting position position. Now fold your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. The elbows are placed just below your shoulders. Breathe slowly and rhythmically. Spread the weight equally between your arms and legs.

* If you have difficulty keeping your waist straight, do not fold your arms in your elbows but stay in the position of a static push up.

Start with 5 series each lasting 40 seconds and increase the time you spend in this position until you reach your limit.

 Don’t give up! The World Record of Guitar Holding Recorded in Guinness is 8 hours and 1 minute.

5. Boat/ Hollow rock– Last but not least one of our favorite exercises – Boat or also known as Hollow rock. Perform it every day for 5 minutes and in a few weeks you will be sure for its effect! Lie on the floor and inhale. Now, lift up both your shoulders and legs in the air. The hands are near to your ears, pointing back, and the legs are tight and lifted about 20 centimeters (two feet) above the ground. Here, the most important condition is to keep your back on the floor. Lie on a yoga mat or cloth and to protect your spine. If you have difficulty keeping your back on the ground, fold your legs at an angle of 90 degrees and keep them upright about 20 centimeters above the ground.

Start with 5 reps of 30 seconds and increase  until you reach your limit.

You can start performing one exercise per day, and when you feel ready, you can perform the complete list as a workout. The total time of those 5 exercises is 25 minutes – a reasonable investment of your time and energy, which will surely bring quick and noticeable results!

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