I.    Definitions

‘Benefit Systems’

means Benefit Systems Bulgaria OOD, UIC 203418971, having its seat and registered address at 11-13 Yunak str, fl.1, Krasno selo region, Sofia 1612, Bulgaria;

‘MultiSport Card’

means a plastic document which belongs to Benefit Systems and has an individual number. A MultiSport Card can be issued only to a person who is above 18 years of age and it cannot be transferred to other persons. A MultiSport Card can be issued also to a person who is between 16 and 18 years of age under the specific terms and conditions stipulated in the respective agreements. Every person can be provided with only one MultiSport Card issued in his/her name;

‘MultiSport LITE Card’

means a plastic document which belongs to Benefit Systems and has an individual number. A MultiSport LITE Card can be issued only to a person who is above 18 years of age and it cannot be transferred to other persons. A MultiSport LITE Card can be issued also to a person who is between 16 and 18 years of age under the specific terms and conditions stipulated in the respective agreements. Every person can be provided with only one MultiSport LITE Card issued in his/her name.

Unless otherwise stated, all conditions related to the MultiSport Card also apply to the MultiSport LITE Card and all references to the definition of “MultiSport Card” are valid for the MultiSport LITE Card.

‘MultiSport KIDS Card’

means a plastic document which belongs to Benefit Systems and has an individual number. A MultiSport KIDS Card can be issued only to a person who is below 16 years of age and cannot be transferred to other persons. Every person can be provided with only one MultiSport KIDS Card issued in his/her name;

‘Digital card’
means a feature of the Mobile Application that allows the creation of a personalized electronic record in the Application that enables the User to identify himself when Visiting the Center instead of using a MultiSport Card or a MultiSport Lite Card. Unless otherwise stated, all terms and conditions relating to the MultiSport Card or MultiSport Lite Card are valid and applicable to the Digital Card.

‘Mobile application’
means Benefit Systems program designed to be installed on mobile devices that allows the Holder to search for Sports Venues and use the Digital Card in connection with MultiSport programs, available under the name My MultiSport in the Google Play store and the App Store.


means companies, non-profit organizations, sole traders, etc. purchasing sports and recreational services from Benefit Systems for the former to provide to their employees and other individuals associated with the Client’s activities;

‘Sport Facility’

means a sports center/swimming complex/fitness club/tennis court/dancing studio or other similar facility at which sports and/or recreational services available for use through MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Cards are provided. A list of all Sport Facilities and information for the services that can be used at the respective Sport Facilities is published on the website of Benefit Systems https://benefitsystems.bg;

‘User of MultiSport Card’

means a person above the age of 16 having a MultiSport Card issued in his/her name or who is using a Digital card.

‘User of MultiSport KIDS Card’

means a person under the age of 16 having a MultiSport KIDS Card issued in his/her name;

‘Identification Document’

means a document issued by the competent governmental, municipal, educational or other authority containing the name, surname and a photograph of the User of MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Card (e.g. identity card; passport; driving license; student’s card or students’ markbook);

‘MultiSport Activities’

means all sports and recreational services that can be used by Users of MultiSport Cards. Information about all services that can be used by the Users of MultiSport Cards, the Sport Facilities at which they can be used and the terms of use of the services is published on the following website: https://benefitsystems.bg. In case there are special conditions for use of certain sports or recreational service in a specific Sport Facility, they will be published in section Details for the respective Sport Facility;

‘MultiSport LITE Activities’

means all sports and recreational services that can be used by Users of MultiSport LITE Cards. Information about all services that can be used by the Users of MultiSport LITE Cards, the Sport Facilities at which they can be used and the terms of use of the services is published on the following website: https://benefitsystems.bg, “MultiSport LITE activities”. In case there are special conditions for use of certain sports or recreational service in a specific Sport Facility, they will be published in section Details for the respective Sport Facility;

‘MultiSport KIDS Activities’

means all sports and recreational services that can be used by Users of MultiSport KIDS Cards. Information about all services that can be used by the Users of MultiSport KIDS Cards, the Sport Facilities at which they can be used and the terms of use of the services is published on the following website: https://benefitsystems.bg, MultiSport KIDS Activities. In case there are special conditions for use of certain sports or recreational service in a specific Sport Facility, they will be published in section Details for the respective Sport Facility.

II.   Subject

The present Terms of Use of MultiSport and MultiSport KIDS Cards (the “Terms”) regulate the relations between Benefit Systems and the Clients in respect of the use of MultiSport Cards and MultiSport KIDS Cards.

III. General provisions

1.   Every User of MultiSport Card is entitled to one visit to one Sport Facility per day during which visit is entitled to use only one MultiSport Activity.

2.   Every User of MultiSport KIDS Card is entitled to one visit to one Sport Facility per day during which visit is entitled to use only one MultiSport KIDS Activity.

3.   MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Cards do not provide the right to a free of charge use of any equipment and/or services of a personal trainer unless explicitly mentioned on the website of Benefit Systems: https://benefitsystems.bg.

4.   All MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Cards are property of Benefit Systems and should be returned to Benefit Systems after the reason for their use is terminated, including when their validity term expires, when the agreement with the respective Client is terminated, etc.

5.   All Users of MultiSport and MultiSport KIDS Cards should follow the rules at the Sport Facilities they visit.

6.   All Users of MultiSport and MultiSport KIDS Cards are prohibited from using the MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Cards, including via the Mobile application, in any other way than obtaining personal access to Sport Facilities, being prohibited inter alia to provide them for use by other persons, to trade with them, to lease them, to give them away as presents, to leave them for storage at the Sport Facilities, etc.

7.   The Users of MultiSport and MultiSport KIDS Cards cannot make any changes to the design of the MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Cards.

8.   Any loss, damage or theft of a MultiSport/MultiSport Kids Card must be notified with the respective Client by the respective User within 24 hours, and the Client must immediately notify Benefit Systems. Any MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Card which has been reported lost and has been later found must be immediately sent to Benefit Systems.

9. A person who uses a Multisport card as accompanying person,  may be designated as accompanying person only by one employee hired by the Client within the term of the Agreement between the Client and Benefit Systems.

10.  MultiSport KIDS Card for User of MultiSport KIDS Card can be requested only by his/her parent/guardian who is employee, hired by the Client within the term of the Agreement between the Client and Benefit Systems.

11. Information about the access to MultiSport Activities/MultiSport KIDS Activities and about the use of the MultiSport/MultiSport Kids Cards can be obtained at telephone: 0800 123 92.

12. The use of any other services in the Sport Facilities not included in the MultiSport Activities/MultiSport Kids Activities should be paid in accordance with the price list of the respective Sport Facility.

IV. Terms of Access to Sport Facilities

13. Prior to using a MultiSport service at a Sport Facility, every User of MultiSport Card is obligated to present his/her MultiSport Card, an Identification Document and to check his visit in the electronic card reader in the Sport Facility and/or to sign in the form of visits available at the Facility where this is required.

14. All Users of MultiSport KIDS cards who are under 7 (seven) years of age shall be granted access to Sport Facility without Identification Document, but only after the User of the MultiSport KIDS Card or the adult accompanying the User of the MultiSport KIDS Card communicates the User’s name and surname and date of birth and only if the data coincide with the data printed on the presented MultiSport KIDS Card. In case a signature in a form of visit is necessary, the adult person accompanying the User of MultiSport KIDS card signs in the form of visit in the Sport Facility.

15. At the first visit to a Sports Facility with a Digital Card or at the first visit after changing the User’s photo in the Mobile Application, the employee at the Sports Facility should confirm the User’s identity, and the User should show the employee at the Sports Facility the Mobile Application with his photo, names and a QR code that is generated before using the services at the facility. After the User’s identity has been confirmed, the presentation of an identity document should not be required for each subsequent visit with the Digital Card to a Sports Facility. After the User’s identity has been confirmed, the presentation of an identity document should not be required for each subsequent visit with the Digital Card to a Sports Facility.

Upon presentation of a Digital Card, the photo of which does not allow undisputed confirmation of the User’s identity, an identity document will be required at the Sports Center.

16. All Users of MultiSport KIDS Cards who are above 7 (seven) years of age shall be granted access to Sport Facility after they present their MultiSport KIDS Card, an Identification Document and after they check their visit in the electronic card reader in the Sport Facility (if necessary). In case the MultiSport KIDS user lacks such ID document and is between 7 and 14 years old, his or her data is confirmed by him/her and/or the person accompanying that User (who is over the age of 18) as per p. 13. In case a signature in a form of visit is necessary, the User of the MultiSport KIDS Card or the adult person accompanying him/her can sign in the form of visit in the Sport Facility.

17. All Users of MultiSport KIDS Cards and Users of MultiSport Cards who are between 16 and 18 years of age shall be granted access to Sport Facility only if they are accompanied by an adult when necessary under the applicable legislation/rules of the respective Sport Facility. The parents/guardians of Users of MultiSport KIDS Cards and Users of MultiSport Cards who are between 16 and 18 years of age are obligated to ensure the necessary supervision over them when they use MultiSport Activities or MultiSport KIDS Activities.

18. Any User of MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Card can be denied access to Sport Facility if the service they wish to use at that moment is fully occupied.

V.     Racquet sports

19. When exercise of a racquet sport (tennis, squash, badminton, table tennis) is concerned, the following terms of use of courts and tables apply: if the court/table is used by 2 (two) – 4 (four) persons, of whom at least 2 (two) persons use the service through their MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Cards, additional payments for the court/table are not due at the Sport Facility. If only 1 (one) person is using the court/table through an active MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Card, the other person(s) should pay half of the price for the court/table at the Sport Facility.

VI. Halotherapy (Salt therapy)

20. Halotherapy MultiSport KIDS activities (e.g. salt room for children, salt therapy for children and similar), can be visited by persons under the age of 16 only if those persons have active MultiSport KIDS cards.

21. In case the rules of the Sport Facility require the MultiSport KIDS Card User to be accompanied by an adult, that accompanying person is not required to pay an escort fee. Each MultiSport KIDS Cardholder is entitled to one accompanying person who is freed from an additional fee.

VI.    Miscellaneous

22. Employees of the Sport Facilities and employees of Benefit Systems are entitled to check the Identification Documents of the Users of MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Cards. In case of discrepancy with the names on the respective MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Card, handing over of the respective misused MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Card can be requested and Benefit Systems is entitled to block the access of the respective User to the respective services. Benefit Systems is entitled to block the respective MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Card also when the person who is actually using the Card at the moment of the check, refuses to present his/her Identification Document.

23. Benefit Systems shall not be held liable for any damages suffered in a Sport Facility by a User of MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Card during his/her use of services through his/her MultiSport/MultiSport KIDS Card.

24. The Terms can be amended and/or supplemented by Benefit Systems. The new/amended Terms enter into force as from the 1st date of the month following their publishing on the website of Benefit Systems: https://benefitsystems.bg. Benefit Systems is obligated to publish on its website https://benefitsystems.bg  the new/amended Terms until the 15th date of the month preceding the month in which they enter into force. The Clients are entitled to object to the new/amended Terms until the last date of the month in which the Terms have been published on the website by sending an e-mail to info@benefitsystems.bg. In case they do not send an objection against the new/amended Terms, they shall be deemed approved by the Client.

25. Any and all disputes that may arise in relation to thе Terms will be referred for resolution to the competent court in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Last update: 02.11.2023