Inspire - Multisport

Sport has the ability to change not only the appearance of our body, but also our health and mental state. Tell us how sport has changed your life.

The award is a secret MultiSport box with sports accessories of 500 BGN, which will become the property of the most inspiring story chosen by the jury. The winner will participate in a special video in which we will tell their story. 



Desi is part of the MultiSport team, she has been dancing professionally for 10 years, but due to an injury she has to quit professional sport. Thanks to a proper training program, patience and focus on recovery, she returns to an active lifestyle.  


Borko is a fitness instructor at the moment, but 8 years ago he weighed 151 kg and was pre-diabetic. Up to date, he has lost 60 kg of weight, thanks to sports and a balanced diet, and has normalized his blood sugar levels.


Jasmine is a fighter for food control, instead of food controlling it. After 12 years of successfully battling systemic overeating, thanks to a combination of healthy habits, training and nutrition, Jassi is coming out of the vicious circle and improving her quality of life. 

Inspire us!

How and where to share your story?

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Only users with an active MultiSport card can participate in the campaign 

The story can be shared via email:, sent in a personal message on social media or published as a public post with #inspire and #multisportbg  

Make sure to tag, so we can see it! There are no restrictions on the format in which you can send us your stories. 

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