• Welcome to Client Zone?

    The basic information you need to know as you get started with the platform.

  • Employee cards

    How to order and manage MultiSport cards of your employees.

  • Companion cards

    How to order and manage additional MultiSport cards for accompanying persons and children.

  • Invoicing

    Learn how to download your invoices and how to review your billings’ information.

  • Password reset

    In case you need to reset your password, read more in this section.

Discover answers to all your questions about Client Zone

Check out all necessary information for all the processes in Client Zone.

You will receive a link to Client Zone and your login details at your email address.

The password should contain at least 8 characters, one small case character, one upper case character, a digit and a special character such as #, @ !

You can access Client Zone at any time at clientzone.benefitsystems.bg We recommend that you use either Mozilla or Chrome.

The client panel is open for new orders until a particular date every month. You can see until which date you can order new cards on every single page of the client panel, in the following text box:

After this date passes, your account will be locked for ordering NEW cards until the 1st of next month but you can still activate and deactivate existing cards.

All changes will be applied and visible in Client Zone on the 1st day of the next month.

1. Cards section –  in this section of the platform you can find information about all active and inactive cards for the current month. There are two main tabs in the Cards Section:

→ Active cards – a list with all active MultiSport cards for the current month
→ Inactive cards – a list with all inactive MultiSport cards  for the current month

2. Orders section – in this section of the platform you can order new cards and you can track changes that are going to take place in the next month. There are two main tabs in the menu Orders:

→  List of new cards – a list of all newly ordered cards which are going to be active from the beginning of the next month.
→  Deactivated Cards – a list of all cards which are going to be inactive as of next month
→  Activated Cards –  a list of all cards which will be reactivated as of next month

! Have in mind that all activations and deactivations will come into force as of the 1st of next month.

3. Billings – in this section of the platform you can find information about the amount of the cards for the current and past months. You can also generate and download your current and past invoices.

4. Contacts and important information – here you can find our contact details. Do not hesitate to contact us anytime, should you have questions or need help.

In the Cards section you can find detailed information about the active cards in the current and in the following month.

1. Here you can see the last possible date for ordering NEW cards for the next month

IMPORTANT! After this date the platform is locked for NEW orders but you are still able to activate and deactivate existing cards.

2. A summary of all existing active cards (employee, accompanying and KIDS cards) for the current month

3. Here you can see information about changes that are going to enter into force in the next month. By clicking “View order details”, you will be redirected to the Orders section which contains detailed information about your order.

4. A summary of cards that are going to be active next month. You can see all cards which will be active next month as well as detailed information about active employee, accompanying and KIDS cards.

To order new employee card, please follow the steps below. If you would like to order more than one card at once, please see this section.

1. Click on the Orders section
2. Fill out the employee’s name, surname and additional identification* (if applicable) in the “Order new cards” subsection
3. Click on the button “Add User” and the request is sent. You will see the newly ordered card below in the “List of New Cards” tab. Please have in mind that the newly ordered card will be active as of the 1st of next month.

* „Additional identification” field is not mandatory and it serves for your own convenience – you can use it to put your internal ID codes (if you have such), for comments that could help you filter and identify employees easily. Please note that the information inserted in this field won’t be displayed on the plastic cards.

**In case you would like all three names to be printed on the card, please fill in the Second name in the field Last name

Another way to order cards is by importing a ready-made list of names.
There is a ready-made template for the list that you must use. It is important to first choose whether you plan to order virtual cards or plastic ones. Select the option from the drop-down menu.

After selecting the type of cards, click "Download the import file template".

This will download a sample file called ImportEmployeeCards with the data of one cardholder on your computer. Please change the file with your real and correct data and save it. Depending on whether you ordered digital cards or plastic cards, there will be an additional column in the table where you can enter the employees' emails.

Then go back to Client Zone and click ‘Import users from file’

The platform will ask you for additional confirmation of file import. Please hit the green button ‘Accept’

This approach enables quick adding of numerous card owners simultaneously.

IMPORTANT: There are a few places in the client area where you can undo your action.

If you want to remove a card form the List of New Cards, click on the X next to the name of employee and the order will be replaced immediately. Please remember that this option will be available until the possibility for ordering new cards is locked.

This action is active until the deadline for card ordering, after which the card is printed and cannot be deleted.

You can see all existing cards for your account in the Cards section.
You are able to deactivate cards by clicking on the purple button “Deactivate” next to the corresponding name.

! Please have in mind that when deactivating an employee card, all connected additional cards are also deactivated. The deactivation comes into force on the 1st of next month.

If you would like to deactivate more than 1 card at once you can do it by selecting the purple buttons next to the “Deactivate” button and then click „Deactivate Selected”.

Please note that if you don’t hit the button „Deactivate Selected” but only leave the cards selected, the changes won’t be reflected.

! Please have in mind that when deactivating an employee card, all connected additional cards are also deactivated. The deactivation comes into force on the 1st of next month.

If you have deactivated an existing card by mistake, go to the Cards section, Active cards tab, and click on the “Undo” icon next to the employee’s name. By doing so, you will cancel the request for deactivation.

In case there is an inactive card, you can reactivate it from the Cards section -> Inactive Cards tab, by clicking on the purple button “Activate” next to the corresponding name.

! Please have in mind that all activations will come into force as of the 1st of next month.

If you would like to cancel a reactivation, simply click on the “Undo” button in the Cards section.

It is important to know that when changing a product, the employee takes precedence over the product. Once an employee has a MultiSport or MultiSport LITE card, you manage the products in one place under the Cards section, under the employee’s name.

Please follow the steps below or watch this short video.

1) Log in to the Client Zone and select “Cards” from the menu. Find the name of the cardholder for whom the card needs to be changed.

2) Among the available options for account actions, choose “Change Product”.

3) Confirm the product change from the displayed field by selecting the option “Yes.”

4) To view the cards with the changed product, you need to go to “Orders” from the menu and find the field labeled “Swapped cards” There you will see all the requests for product changes, changes for the linked accompanying or child cards, and whether a new plastic card will be issued.

IMPORTANT: If the user is changing their card for the first time and does not have a plastic card for the selected product, a new one will be issued. If the user already had a card, the previously issued plastic card will be reactivated from the first day of the following month.

When changing the type of card for an employee, all additional cards (companion or child cards) are deactivated. Therefore, it is necessary to change the type of additional cards as well to keep them active for the next month. First, change the product for the employee, and then for the companions/children, in order for the “Swap Product” buttons to appear.

If you would like to check if a particular person already has a card, you can search by that person’s name, surname, additional identification or barcode number.

To do that, go to Cards >> Type the information you want to search in the field shown in the screenshot below >> Click “Search”

You can export information about all active or inactive cards into an Excel file. Go to the Cards section, choose “Active cards”or “inactive cards” and click on the “Export in Excel” link. You will be prompted to either open or download the file.

The exported file will contain the following information:

– Name and surname of the card holder
– Barcode number of the card holder’s card
– Card type – employee, accompanying or KIDS
– Financing model
– Date of activation or deactivation, depending on the report you exported

Every accompanying card is connected to an employee card. When an employee card is deactivated, the accompanying card is being deactivated automatically.

When ordering new employee card you can add accompanying card to this employee by clicking on the button “Add Additional Card” next to the corresponding name in the menu Orders, tab List of New Cards; then you need to enter the correct data of the companion.

You can order accompanying card for an existing employee card in the Cards section > Active Cards tab > “Add Additional Card” button next to the corresponding name of the employee.

IMPORTANT: Additional cards can be ordered only for active or newly ordered employee cards. Additional card can only be linked to one employee and cannot be transferred to another.

The additional accompanying card is displayed below the employee card.

When changing the type of card for an employee, all additional cards (companion or child cards) are deactivated. Therefore, it is necessary to change the type of additional cards as well to keep them active for the next month. First, change the product for the employee, and then for the companions/children, in order for the “Swap Product” buttons to appear.

Every additional card for a child is connected to an employee card. If the employee card is deactivated, the additional card for a child is also deactivated.

If you would like to add a KIDS card to a particular employee, you can do that from Orders >> List of new cards >> click on the “Add additional card” button and choose “Дете”

You need to enter the child’s name and surname, as well as the month and year of birth. As the child card is intended for persons under 16, the child’s parent or guardian needs to give their consent for the printing of this card. Therefore, it is necessary to enter the email address of the parent / guardian in the “Email” field and that person will receive an email and will be asked to give his/her consent. Please have in mind that the card can’t be processed before we receive the parent’s consent.

Important: Additional cards for children can be ordered only for active or newly ordered employee cards.

You can add accompanying and KIDS cards by importing a file with the names of the employees and the additional card holders.

You can use our template to do that. You can download the template in the Orders section, by clicking “Download the Import File Template”
Please enter your actual data in the template.

You need to have a few things in mind:

– You cannot add accompanying and KIDS cards before ordering the employees’ cards.

– when importing the file, the employees’ names in the file should match the employees’ names in the Clients Zone in order the platform to be able to connect them

– In case the names don’t match, the platform won’t allow adding the additional cards.

Save the file and upload it by clicking on the option “Import Accompanying cards from file”.

You can export information about all active or inactive cards into an Excel file. Go to the Cards section, choose “Active cards”or “inactive cards” and click on the “Export in Excel” link. You will be prompted to either open or download the file.

The exported file will contain the following information:

– Name and surname of the card holder
– Barcode number of the card holder’s card
– Card type – employee, accompanying or KIDS
– Financing model
– Date of activation or deactivation, depending on the report you exported

In the Billings section, you can see information about the amount due for a particular month. You can also download your invoices from this section.

1. Service overview for billing period – here you see the total invoice amount due, as well as a breakdown of the sums for the cards for employees, accompanying cards and for card for children.

2. Downloading invoices

To download your invoice, go to Billings >> Select billing period >> Load service overview

After you have selected a billing period, click on the Download invoice button.

Please note that you can download invoices up to 6 months ago. And after the closure of the Client Zone, you can download financial information for the next month.

3. List of cards in selected period – a list of all the cards on the basis of which the invoice was drawn up.

If you would like to export the list in Excel you can do it by clicking on the „Export to XLSX”.

The data in the list is structured as follows:

– Name – card holder names

– Card – the type of the card (employee or accompanying) and the last 6 digits of the card’s barcode

– Employee group – this field is visible only if you have several financing models

– Additional cards – the number of additional cards connected to the employee’s card

– Percent of month – when the card is active for the whole month it is shown 100%

– Price – the price of the card for the current month

– Total per employee  – total amount due for the employee. If there are additional cards connected to the employee’s card, the amount will be sum of the price per employee card and the price of accompanying cards.

In case you forget your password, go to clientzone.benefitsystems.bg and click on the “Forgot password?” link.

Enter your username (the name of the company) in the field and click “Send”

You will receive a link to change your password via email. Open the link and enter a new password which needs to contain at least 8 characters – at least one lower case and one uppercase character, a digit and a special character such as # @ !

Confirm the password and log in to your account with your new credentials.
